Mr Rebates

Mr. Rebates

Friday, September 17, 2010

Happiness's something I haven't had a lot of the last few years.  I believe I have truly found it.  At least I am hopeful I did.  I found someone who loves me for me, despite all my craziness and my insecurities.  That in it self makes me content and happy.  I am more hopeful for the future and going to try to make more of an effort.  Not just give up like I did, thinking I would never find the perfect situation.  I did find the perfect situation, I am the one that isn't perfect.  I'm the one that needed to change my outlook on life and love.  I need to let go and let people into my life despite my fears.  Let someone help me through it and open those lines of communication, so that it doesn't happen again

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